
Distance from Nearest Road: 7.0 miles
Distance from Nearest Trail: 1 mile
Cell Phone Coverage: Yes
Public Land: Yes, Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge
Travel Method: Canoeing and Hiking
Travel Time One-Way: 1 day
Something We Learned:

Project Remote is working to precisely calculate and travel to the remotest locations in each of the 50 United States. Below is a written account of our 2-day canoeing and hiking expedition to document the Georgia Remote Spot. This is our 37th state Remote Spot documented as part of Project Remote.

In Ryan’s Words:

April 5, 2019. Cough, cough, cough. For the umpteenth day in a row, Ryan awakens with a heavy cough. I thought I would be over my flu bug by now, by show time for Georgia. Not yet. But spirits are high as we gear up this morning to penetrate to the center of the Okefenokee swamp in pursuit of the Georgia Remote Spot. I ain’t gonna let a little illness derail our long standing plans to document the Georgia Remote Spot…

We embark from Stephen C. Foster State Park in early morning and spend the next 5 straight hours paddling to the south end of Floyd’s Island. The swamp breathes with life. Early April signals full on springtime for this region. Our 16.5 foot tandem canoe loaded is up with the three of us and all our camping/camera gear. I decide that, in order to paddle a tandem canoe with three people, we should turn it around, sit me on the very very back plastic bow cover, place Skyla in the seat in front of me, then gear, then have Rebecca sit bow, which is actually the stern in reverse. Rebecca uses a kayak paddle to provide forward propulsion while Ryan swings a light carbon bent shaft canoe paddle. This works darn good, I must say….

Remote Spotters paddle to the center of the Okefenokee Swamp to document the remotest location in all of Georgia
American alligator observed in the Okefenokee Swamp on route to the Georgia Remote Spot
Remote Spotters hike across Floyd’s Island to the remotest location in Georgia
Project Remote documents the Georgia Remote Spot
Remote Spotters Ryan, Rebecca and Skyla hike across Floyd’s Island within the Okefenokee Swamp to the Georgia Remote Spot

Journal draft in progress…….